• jason was two when his mother had made the decision to put him up for adoption. Her dreams were finally coming true, and while she loved her baby, he was never penciled into her plans for the future and she was ready to live the life she wanted to live. She hated considering him an accident, mistake or inconvenience, but that's what he was to her, and he was a reminder of how quickly a life can change due to carelessness. Despite her well-intended plans to put him up for adoption and find a loving home for him, her former husband and jason's biological father fought for custodial rights over his son.
• willis was jason's legal guardian until he was six years old. his life in the haywood house as a child was filled with neglect and constant physical and emotional abuse to those that surrounded him. much of his time as a child was spent being forgotten all over the house, getting into trouble (both as acts of rebellion and complete accidents), or hiding under furniture to avoid the loud noises that filled the house morning, noon and night. the only time jason had any reprieve from this was when his father was out drinking and he was left alone with his step-mother. she turned out to be the only bright spot in his childhood and did her best to take care of him when she was able. eventually she succumbed to her own drug habits and left jason alone with his father.
• jason's father would eventually be deemed an unfit parent and this would land jason in the foster system until he was old enough to phase out and be on his own.
• Even at a young age, he had a tough time seeing eye to eye with many of his peers. This made him a difficult candidate for many foster homes or adoption opportunities. In fact, he never was adopted, but went from home to home until he was old enough to make it on his own. More often than not, jason found himself in trouble with one person or another. Mostly because he refused to connect with them emotionally. Later on in his adolescent years, he began finding himself on the wrong side of the law, which earned him a hefty record and time in juvie before he was 19.
• although he was never lucky enough to find a permanent home situation with any of the families that had fostered him, jason did come close once. when he was in his mid-teens, jay had found himself in the good graces of a family that seemed like they wanted to keep him around. he got along well with everyone and for the first time, he felt like he belonged somewhere and had a chance at thriving. so naturally after several months of what he considered actual contentment, he went and sabotaged it long before anyone else could. his defiant nature always reared its head at the ugliest of times, so when he felt the most at ease with his life and the direction it was finally taking, he packed his bags and hit the road.
• jason made himself hard to catch up with. if anyone stopped by the school looking for him, he ducked out of class and spent the rest of the day in an area many people didn't know to look for. if they thought they knew whose house he would crash at that night, he switched it up and made himself unpredictable. if he had no friends at school, this would have been impossible to do. There came a point when he realized the system would do nothing for him and that he was no longer in need of their help. at first he considered going back, but his mind was made up. if no one wanted him, then that was fine; he didn't want to be wanted anymore.
As the transition is generally hard on at risk youths, jason knew once he was out of school and on the streets, he was going to have to learn to take care of himself. And he did, in the most unsavory ways he could have possibly done so.
• willis came back into jason's life shortly after he turned 17. after several years in jail, he sought out his son and began utilizing him in distasteful ways. jason was the runner for drugs, picking up and dropping off whenever his father wasn't feeling up to the task. he knew it was basically just a front to keep himself out of trouble while putting jason's life in danger. he had been picked up enough times by the cops that they all knew him by name and knew he was only doing it for his father. they managed to keep him out of trouble just long enough to catch willis again down the road. despite being a stubborn teenager, they knew he wasn't a bad kid, but stuck in a bad situation that kept a roof over his head.
• Fast forward to the next time his life fell apart after several years of trying to get his shit together, and one would see jason nose to nose with a police officer vehemently justifying his motives and actions just before getting tossed into a cell for the third time. this was when he realized he couldn't do it alone and needed help. one single phone call found himself face to face with a former foster sibling and looking at a brighter horizon than before. if it wasn't for the good graces of this family he was now crawling back to ready to atone for his past behavior, he would have surely found himself in prison or living on the streets and out of homeless shelters across boston and new york.
• Things fell apart in boston after a short period of time and a stint of more bad luck, so without much care in the world, Jason picked up his bags and moved to San Francisco.

• criminology
• multilingualism
• demolitions
💥 advanced hand-to-hand combat
💥 intimidation
💥 firearms
💥 stealth
💥 tracking
💥 martial arts
💥 swordmanship
💥 investigation
💥 acrobatics
💥 surveillance
💥 red hood suit
• arkham knight suit
• robin suit
• injustice batman suit
💥 deadshot's expert marksmanship
• last name is jason's biological mother's last name
• his mother is an aid worker oversees.
• morally ambiguous to a fault
• similar relationships with batfam
• foster brat
• parental names
• originally placed into a school for at risk youths
• jason has had a handful of nasty run-ins with the law.
• he has a lot of issues where authority is concerned.
• during one of his more unsavory moments, jason lived in new york with a couple of friends that got him involved with some questionable work. for a short time, he bought and sold guns. however disreputable as this was, it did give him first hand knowledge of how many different firearms work and led to him finding a job at a gun dealer, where he worked for a short period of time before moving back into boston.
• jason nearly killed a pedestrian in a drunk driving incident around 2012. because he was drunk he begged the woman to not go to the police when they both found out that she was okay, barring minor injuries.
• when jason was 17, he had an unsuccessful suicide attempt
• his personality is very hot and cold and he often experiences very high highs and very low lows.
• underneath a normally cool and aloof exterior, jason has a soft, nougaty center. he is a hopeless romantic that has never maintained a healthy relationship for long for one reason or another. he's also a shameless fuckboy. his relationship with relationships is very complicated. after being abandoned by the love of his life, he vowed never to open up himself to that kind of heartache, having been hurt too many other times in the past by other people who claimed to care and love for him. he went years without feeling that kind of love toward another person. even though he is now cautious about letting people in, he never closed himself off fully in hopes to finally be accepted by someone who could make him their first choice.