personality leo >
intp >
type 8
• jason has had a handful of nasty run-ins with the law, which was how he ended up going into law. after a couple of particularly bad ones, he finally decided to seek help getting his life in order, so he turned to his former foster brother for help.
• after his brief stint, he got his shit together and settled down quite a bit. despite the chip on his shoulder about being abandoned and neglected for so many of his formative years, he pulled his life together and in 2010 registered in online courses to get general studies out of the way before moving on to pre-law and now law.
• jay has a lot of issues where authority is concerned and butts heads with almost anyone.
• during one of his more unsavory moments, jason lived in new york with a couple of friends that got him involved with some questionable work. for a short time, he bought and sold guns. however disreputable as this was, it did give him first hand knowledge of how many different firearms work and led to him finding a job at a gun dealer, where he worked for a short period of time before moving back into boston.
• jason nearly killed a pedestrian in a drunk driving incident around 2012. because he was drunk he begged the woman to not go to the police when they both found out that she was okay, barring minor injuries.
• when jason was 17, he had an unsuccessful suicide attempt
• his personality is very hot and cold. he is quippy and sarcastic and inappropriate at all times, but he can easily slip into a negative mood and become a typical defeatist depending on who he's with. he tends to match moods with other people, so their mood can often determine his own. still, he has his fair share of not-so-great days because of this. he tends to be a very painful personality.
• unbeknownst to most people, he is ultra romantic, but awful at maintaining healthy relationships.
pros caring, loyal, honest.
cons arrogant, inflexible, possessive, prideful, domineering.
• same first & middle initials
• last name is jason's biological mother's last name
• his mother is an aid worker oversees.
• morally ambiguous to a fault
• similar relationships with batfam
• foster brat
• name similarities with parents
• attended an at risk youth school due to poor performance & attitude problems
willis fatherin jail or dead.
catherine estranged.

Jason Todd was a young street orphan who first encountered the Dark Knight while attempting to steal the tires of the Batmobile. Bruce Wayne sees to it that Jason is placed in a school for troubled youths. But it turns out the school was secretly the main headquarters for a band of thieves. Jason earned the mantle of Robin a short while later by helping Batman apprehend the gang of thieves.
However, Todd does not wear the Robin costume (an improved version of) until after six months of training. Batman realized that while Jason doesn't possess Dick Grayson's acrobatic skills, he can become a productive crimefighter by channeling his rage. He also believes that if he doesn't help the boy, Jason will eventually become part of the "criminal element." Jason also aided Batman while Gotham City was temporarily overrun by Deacon Blackfire.
It is later revealed that Jason indeed had died at the hands of the Joker, but when Superboy-Prime alters reality from the paradise dimension in which he is trapped (six months after his death), Jason is restored to life and breaks out of his coffin, but collapses thereafter and is hospitalized. After spending a year in a coma and subsequently as an amnesiac vagrant, he is recognized by Talia al Ghul. She spends several years trying to help restore Jason to full health, but the mental damage appears too extensive. Jason's is still able to fight, due to muscle reflex, but he appears to have no awareness of the situation. Talia's father, Ra's al Ghul sees Jason as a lost cause and orders him to be eliminated. In a last ditch effort to save him, Talia restores Jason's health and memory by immersing him in a Lazarus Pit in which her father is also bathing. It is suggested at that exposure to the Pit's energies together with Ra's might have affected Jason's personality. On Talia's advice, Jason determines his death was never avenged, and prepares to confront Batman by traveling across the globe in the same path of training as his mentor.
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• genius level intellect
• criminology
• multilingualism
• demolitions
advanced hand-to-hand combat
• firearms
• tracking
• martial arts
• swordmanship
• acrobatics
• surveillance
red hood suit
• arkham knight suit
• red robin suit
• robin suit
memories of jason todd
• memories of the batfam
• memories of gotham
• memories of the outlaws